Course Description

Join us to review how our understanding of feeding disorders, from a gastroenterologist’s perspective, has evolved away from gastroesophageal reflux towards motility abnormalities. We will review how new technology has changed our approach to these patients. Finally, we will review how we treat these patients using new evidence from the literature.

Time-oriented agenda

:00-:30 Introduction

:30-1:00 Illustrative cases of feeding issues with supportive literature

1:00-1:45 Case discussions with a focus on nutrition management: 

  Blenderized feeds, thickened feeds, and pushing the envelope

1:45-2:00 Q&A


Rachel Rosen, MD, MPH

Rachel Rosen, MD, MPH is a pediatric gastroenterologist who directs the aerodigestive center at Boston Children’s Hospital. She has received NIH and foundation funding to conduct research on the diagnosis and treatment of aerodigestive disorders in children.


Cancellations must be in writing and will incur a $10 fee. If more than 10% of the course has been viewed, we are unable to issue a refund. If the Chicago Feeding Group or speaker should need to remove the course, course fees will be refunded or transferred to another course at the discretion of the participant.


Certificates will be issued verifying participation in two (2) hours of continuing education once a passing grade is received on the quiz. Check with your professional organizations licensing bodies to determine exactly what may be accepted for you. This course is eligible for ASHA’s professional development hour requirements. You will not require ASHA pre-approval for this. See here [] for more information. As we are based in Illinois, we are more confident that our events count towards our local organizations (e.g. ILOTA). Our events are not formally submitted through any registry, however if you track your hours independently they may count towards your professional development requirements, and your certificate may stand as proof of your participation. We also submit for credit approval with the Illinois Early Intervention Training Program. This is not required for all states, and may not apply to you. Please refer to your state/local organization for further information regarding CEU requirements and if our events are considered eligible activities by their standards.